A downloadable game

Welcome to Mystique, a multi-genre,  tabletop roleplaying game based on Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying (BRP): Universal Game Engine. While BRP stands as an excellent, robust RPG, Mystique aims to trim things down to be a bit simpler. The inspiration for these rules come from the original BRP booklet in circulation in the early 1980s, as well as the Stormbringer 1st Edition RPG which debuted in 1981. You can think of Mystique as an ‘1981 style’ game since it beckons back to those simpler times.

These rules are a work in progress. This 1st draft (which we’ll call the Beta 1 version) is being released for community feedback. Please note that the final version of the ORC is not yet released, but once it is, that license will govern this product.

You’ll see a lot of references to ‘Page XX’; these will be updated after the rules text is finalized and we move to use a professional layout tool (LaTeX is my tool of choice). See the Plans for the Future section in the back of this book to see what we plan to add and improve in future editions.

Visit this Itch.io link to give us feedback! We can’t wait to hear from you.

Design Goals

As we evolve this product over future Beta editions, some overarching design goals guide our decisions about how these rules work and what to include (or not include). Our goals:

  • A small, minimalist ruleset (currently 29 pages, with a goal to be less than 50 pages once done).
  • Compatible with current BRP character stat blocks.
  • Focus on 'essential' rules (essential being rules that come up on average at least once every four games).
  • Simpler combat resolution, taking inspiration from Stormbringer 1st Edition.
  • Focus on rules for historical, pulp, and sci fi settings (so we don’t plan to include Superhero or Spellcasting rules in the core rules, though Psionics will eventually be added).
  • Interoperable with the BRP core rule book, treating that as sort of a Dungeon Master’s Guide from which to pull additional optional rules in as needed.
  • Packaged as a slim, basic system and eventually a text SRD from which you can build your own games (the idea being that for many settings it is easier to start small and add missing rules rather than to try and trim down rules from the full BRP system).



Mystique RPG 2023-05-11.pdf 16 MB
Mystique Initiative Tracker 2023-05-10.pdf 218 kB
Mystique Character Sheet Modern Print 2023-05-12.pdf 1.8 MB
Mystique Character Sheet Modern Hit Locations Print 2023-05-12.pdf 1.8 MB
Mystique Character Sheet Modern Hit Locations Fillable 2023-05-12.pdf 2.1 MB
Mystique Character Sheet Modern Fillable 2023-05-12.pdf 1.8 MB
Mystique Character Sheet Hit Locations Print 2023-05-12.pdf 1.8 MB
Mystique Character Sheet Hit Locations Fillable 2023-05-12.pdf 1.8 MB

Development log


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Any updates?

Sorry, just noticed this question. I put things on hold till the final SRD was out (which has happened now). I've been working on it this week. Next release still might be a while though since my attention is on creating some entries for Chaosium's BRP contest. :-)

Appreciate what you’re doing with BRP here! Would definitely love to have this “81 Style” on hand for building up my own games with choice cuts from the core book.

Great! Glad to hear it :-)

Page 16, bottom right:

"Critical Success: Sometimes your character will perform an action so well they achieve extraordinary results. Rolls that are equal to or less than 1/10 of the skill rating are a critical success."

So 10% of the skill. :-)

At first glance this looks good, just what I've been after. Just one thing though, what is the Critical success percentage is it 5%  of the skill or 10%.

Good work though
